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Custom product pages allow organizations on the Business plan and above to replace Retool's login, reset password, signup, and invitation claims pages with custom Retool web apps.

This feature is currently an early access beta. Contact your account manager or reach out to request access.

Custom product page demo

Retool Mobile for iOS and Android now supports biometric security. Users are prompted to verify their identity using biometrics (e.g., fingerprint or facial scan) each time they open the app.

You can also enable a privacy screen that obscures the mobile app when it appears in the device's app switcher. This can prevent sensitive information being potentially made visible.

We're excited to announce Split Panes, the newest member of Frames. This layout pattern allows users to create a resizable and scrollable frame, with a custom width, alongside the main canvas. You can add a Split Pane frame from the Frames section, or drag it onto the canvas from the Component Tree.

Split Pane is rolling out on Retool Cloud this week.